Salisbury Catholic Parish Pioneer Cemetery
The Pioneer Cemetery was established in 1856 on about 0.7 hectares of Parish glebe land which was extended in recent years to about 1.25 hectares. In its first hundred years the Cemetery primarily served Catholics in the farming communities around Salisbury and Virginia and it is these early pioneers of the district which give the cemetery its name. Today the cemetery continues to serve those Catholic parishes in the Northern area who do not have their own cemetery.
From the beginning, the cemetery has been maintained by volunteers from the Salisbury Parish who have given generously of their time to ensure the smooth and efficient running and upkeep of the cemetery. It is through the efforts of these dedicated volunteers that a valued and respectful resource has been provided for parishioners.
At the present, the day to day operation of the cemetery is overseen and carried out by:
The Cemetery Committee
Gerry Moore (Chairperson) Nicholas Dangcalan
Paul Hawkes Fr. Shibu Jacob
Anne Blake
The maintenance of the cemetery including gardening and general repairs is handled by:
The Green Team
Peter McEvoy, Dennis Ryan, Gerry Moore, & Kym Platt.
Any enquiries regarding the cemetery can be directed to the curator, Paul Hawkes c/o the Parish Office or emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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